The TBS-5520 SE is a USB multituner and unites three receiving types, satellite (DVB-S, S2, S2X), cable (DVB-C , C2) and terrestrial (DVB-T, T2, ISDB-T). It is an external receiver box and is suitable as a supplement device to your laptop, PC or small media center PC. It is ideal to watch or record in best quality. Drivers for all 32- and 64-bit operating systems are included: Win XP, Vista, Win 7/8/10 and Linux. The Box is supported by various programs like DVB-Viewer, the supplied TBS-Viewer, or ProgDVB, DreamDVB, etc. This USB-Tuner TV Box is suitable for the reception of digital TV in all HD receptions. You can record or watch one channel. You can easily record live TV immediately or time-controlled on your data carrier by only one click. This box is ideal for Media Center and PC systems and fits everywhere. In addition to the excellent facilities and the modern Interface, is also provided with low power consumption and thus a low waste heat, for silent operation.
Windows 7/8/10 TBS 5520 SE v1.0.0.8 Beta
Windows TBS 5520 SE v1.0.0.7 (Older Windows versions)
Windows 10 TBS 5520 SE v1.0.0.7 (Windows 10)
Linux drivers (Link to GitHub)
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